The flashing red and blue indicates the speaker is stuck whilst updating.
I have outlined the steps you need to do to resolve the issue. Attached are files to aid you with this. One file is a video illustrating the update of the speakers and the second file is the firmware file itself which will be applied to the speaker.
To fix this state, you will need to follow these steps in order.
1. Be aware of the name(s) of the speaker that is flashing red and blue so you can distinguish the speaker from the rest.
2. Keep this/these speakers unpowered for 24 hours.
3. After 24 hours, the speaker(s) will be solid green, go onto the Lithe Audio app and obtain the IP address of this/these speaker(s).
4. Enter the IP address('s) into your search engine on your PC/Laptop which should redirect you to a website displaying the settings for your speaker.
5. At the bottom there is a section for a Firmware upgrade On the dropdown box, select the method as Network.
6. Click the upgrade button at the bottom, and this will then take you to a page where it says your speaker is being rebooted. Please bear in mind your speaker may flash red and blue again but that is fine.
7. You will need to wait until it prompts you to add the firmware file that you have been sent.
8. Add the firmware file and update the speaker. It will then show you the percentage of its progress with its update.
9. The speaker will go solid red and then green after it has been successfully updated.
10. To confirm the speaker is all up to date, you will need to reset the speaker (Hold the reset button for 10 seconds)
11. Add the speaker onto your network and then check the firmware version of the speaker is: pPB6543.34.2.
12. Now your speakers are completely up to date!